Jet joined Casey and Jake at the bridge Wednesday

Hemangiosarcoma is nasty!  Jet’s revision surgery was in February and by early April, his lump returned and was growing fast.  We looked into additional treatments, and elected to ride things out.  It was a pretty short ride, and when he passed, his pea-sized lump had grown to the size of a baking potato and as his vet said, “All it’s eyes are sprouting.”  I won’t go into all the details unless asked, but our vet is wonderful with pain meds and Jet was comfortable to the end.  He swam last week, and walked a mile with Bode and me the night before his trip.  The last straw was cranial involvement and bleeding from his nostrils.

So, three dogs lost in 13 months.  Talk about holes in your heart.  Ann had been looking for puppies for a while, and called on some locally Wednesday morning.  Yesterday, I was napping, dreaming that Jet was next to me and I was scratching behind his ear when my phone rang.  It was the local guy . . . you can come out now if you’re still interested.

May I introduce you to Rex and Rosie . . . That’s Rosie on the top.  Their mom is a Golden and their dad is a German Shepard.

Author: tlahaye

Pack leader for four dogs . . . two goldens and two mixed breeds.

5 thoughts on “Jet joined Casey and Jake at the bridge Wednesday”

  1. Awwwwwww.

    I’m so sorry about Jet. Yes, Hemangio is awful! It moves so quickly, and comes on without warning. You guys were awesome to him to help him live the rest of his days pain-free and enjoying his pack. My heart goes out to you, that is more grief than I could ever imagine.

    My guess is that Jet sent Rex and Rosie to you when you and Ann needed them most. What a life those sweet dogs will have thanks to you. Enjoy the puppy breath and know that Jet, Casey and Jake have a pawprint on their hearts.

    Thanks for the pupdate, and a big congratulations to the new pack. May you have MANY many great years ahead.


  2. Oh my dog… life just isn’t fair, I am so very sorry for your losses.
    I can tell you I understand. I can tell you I lost several quickly but not all in a year, damn.
    Your puppy’s are beautiful. They will be smart and strong💖
    Your Angels sent then to you because they knew you needed a challenge, lol.
    I’m sending you the biggest of hugs, smiles through tears.
    Those babies need you, and I think you need them.

  3. So sorry to hear this! I can’t imagine how your heart is hurting from all this loss. Your post on my (Nitro’s) blog was spot on….no matter how much it hurts to lose them, I could never be without the love of a dog. Rex and Rosie are beautiful, and just what the heart needs to heal. It’s interesting you will be in my area next week -have you ever met a Tripawd member in person? Its the best!……just sayin’

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

  4. Jist sitting here shaking my head wishing I could push away the pain you and Ann have been through. Too much. Too much sadness. I am just so very, very sorry. Your tears from losing Casey and Jake and now Jet never had a chance dry up.
    I know Casey and Jake were there to greet Jet when he headed to the Bridge. Pretty sure the pawtying has been non stop. Lots of junk food, swimming, ball chasing, naps on couches place under shade trees for afternoon naps.
    And the way Jet connected with you while you were napping….now THAT touched my heart and made me grin ear to ear!! Absolutely no coincidence that Jet was connected with you just as Ann told you about the soon to be luckiest dogs in the world! Jet,and Casey and Jake too, all had their energies focused on sending you Rex and Rosie😎
    Like you, I could NEVER live with6 having a dog in my life. And yes, the grief seems unbearable when they first head to the Bridge, but the void of not having a dog take up a space in your heart, that’s unbearable too!
    I’m soooo happy Rex and Rosie were guided to you 😊 You needed to have joy and happiness back in your home. And Rex and Rosie needed to have joy and happiness in their lives. Jet knew that. Casey and Jake knew that. And they all knew uoh needed TWO dogs to help fill the void😁
    I know this was hard to write. I’m so glad you took time to let us know what was happening with Jet AND, to also let us meet Rex and Rosie❤❤❤❤❤
    We can’t wait to see.more pictures and to hear all about the personalities of these two and all the adventures you’ll be sharing. You’ll certainly have yoir hands full with two puppies!!!

    Surrounding you with the happy memories you and Jet shared💖
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie

  5. Just saw Paula’s post….yes….getting tog6 with Tripawd family is YHE best conn6 EVVVVER!! Hope you can make it happen. Nitro sent her two puppies two!

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